How well you concentrate on your work or your studies, is a strong predictor of success.
A 2015 survey from found that 50.2% of respondents have difficulty concentrating on their tasks: too many distractions, a disturbing environment, it interrupts "flow".
But what is actually "flow"?
Check the studies from Mihaly
Csikszentmihalyi: He revealed in his book that people find genuine satisfaction during
a state of consciousness called Flow.
Now look at the graph below. Those of us that report experiencing "flow" on a regular basis also report higher score in:
- Optimizing their productivity
- Enjoying their passions
- Helping other people
What about you?
How busy are your workdays ? Did you identify your stressors and distractions that break your own 'flow'? How would you reshape your weekly agenda to re-balance your life.
If you like to get additional insights, free templates and tools to
help you defined your structured approach to a balanced life, check the 360 Living Guide. The next step is in your hands.