Are you "flowing" through the day?

How well you concentrate on your work or your studies, is a strong predictor of success.

A 2015 survey from found that 50.2% of respondents have difficulty concentrating on their tasks: too many distractions, a disturbing environment, it interrupts "flow".

But what is actually "flow"?
Check the studies from Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: He revealed in his book that people find genuine satisfaction during a state of consciousness called Flow.

Now look at the graph below. Those of us that report experiencing "flow" on a regular basis also report higher score in:
  • Optimizing their productivity
  • Enjoying their passions
  • Helping other people
 It does not necessarily mean that flow will directly result in all of this. But rather, it shows all some of us are able to structure their weekly calendar and environment to become more productive.

What about you?
 How busy are your workdays ? Did you identify your stressors and distractions that break your own 'flow'? How would you reshape your weekly agenda to re-balance your life.

If you like to get additional insights, free templates and tools to help you defined your structured approach to a balanced life, check the 360 Living Guide. The next step is in your hands.

Where do we start making change? One week at a time.

A few years back, my co-founder and I started noticing  lots of people feeling unsatisfied. The problem: we don't know where to start making change.

We realized he could help solve this problem with data. To get people started on the right track, all it would take is a simple tool for assessment and action.
And so the Authentic Happiness Survey was born. The survey recommends a custom set of resources based on each participant's answers -- books, online assessments, and more.

Determined to inspire and empower even more people, in 2017 it was time to level up: sharing the findings as a full-length guide.

Years later, thousands of people had taken the survey and many had shared stories of how it helped them changed their lives. It was time to share the groundbreaking findings and recommend even more valuable resources.
That's when we partnered with Jacquelyn.

Jacquelyn was on her own journey of finding true happiness at the time, and this book was a way to put that experience to use and help others and to be part of something meaningful.

Jacquelyn travelling in Switzerland
Co-founding and co-writing 360 Living was more than "work." 360 Living is a project of passion for better living, and more importantly, it's something that we believe can truly make a positive impact for individuals like you, and for the world.

That's why we keep showing up in your inbox. We want you to TAKE THIS LITTLE LEAP TODAY for the better, because little leaps can make enormous impact.

Here's the thing..
We can only provide the tools. YOU are the carpenter of your own life. We hope you'll pick up those tools and put them to use, because you are capable of creating wonderful things with them.
Once again, here's the link to the sneak peek so you can do just that.
P.S. ready to take the leap toward better living right now? Get the full guide here!

Tired, feeling trapped, missing a sense of meaning vacation. So what?

Are you feeling trapped in a "rat race"? Chronically stressed? Physically run-down? Missing a sense of meaning? YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE!!!

The 360 Living guide just released new data from the survey

The media and politicians do not talk much about it, but the overall picture of our society is quite disconcerting for the majority of us:
  • Our stress levels peak between ages 21 and 50, reaching an average of XX during the best years of our lives. Exactly during the critical time of our lives when we should spend more time with our children.
  • The amount of unused vacation continues to raise, 77% of all Americans recognized that they do not take all their paid vacation days (CNN Money May 2017).
  • Outside of work, real social interactions plummet down after we leave school or college.

This is the bad news. The good news is that we hold the keys to change our personal stories.

Yes, it will always be tougher for somebody who is a single parent responsible for three children and with a low income. No doubt about this. Still, there are questions we all should ask ourselves. And addressing them will pave our own way to a better, balanced life:
  • What are our barrier to a good life?
  •  What is the most logical, systemic approach to evaluating our current life?
  • How can we rate the various areas of our life? (like an aerial life assessment)?
  • As we start to nail down the specific areas that push our life out of balance, how do we find the real root-causes? What are the most common patterns?
  • How do we kick off a new momentum and maintain with new weekly habits?
If you can get all that done, that’s it, you will have defined your personal roadmap to a better life. You will have created your own “weekly navigator” to guide you, one week at a time, towards a good life.

If you like to get additional insights, free templates and tools to help you defined your structured approach to a good life, check the 360 Living Guide on Amazon. The next step is in your hands.

In this your life? Will you settle for just "getting by", or are you ready to enjoy a good life? The next step is in your hands.

 Take action now.


360 Living on Amazon:After years of offering the free Authentic Happiness survey, we've taken it to another level to help people re-balance their lives: 200+ pages of key insights, personal assessments, & proven strategies & tools:
     Get your copy of 360 Living         
Readers are now discovering the path to true balance -- you can start doing the same. Today.
For the price of a few cups of coffee.
Just a few of the awesome 360 Living reviews:

Happiness fact 62: dopamine, the chemistry of happiness

The prefrontal cortex is awash in many neurotransmitters, including dopamine, serotonin, glutamate, GABA and more. Davidson believes dopamine may be especially important. Animal studies have shown that dopamine mediates the transfer of signals associated with positive emotions between the left prefrontal area and the emotional centers in the limbic area of the brain, such as the nucleus accumbens, situated within the ventral striatum. In humans, people with a sensitive version of the receptor that accepts dopamine tend to have better moods, and researchers are actively studying the relationship of dopamine levels to feelings of euphoria and depression.

Source: Health: The Biology of Joy. Scientists know plenty about depression. Now they are starting to understand the roots of positive emotion by Michael D. Lemonick Sunday, Jan. 09, 2005 The Time

Re-balance your life today.  Get your copy of 360 Living

Check your Happiness Score, get your Life Satisfaction report: free, no registration, instant feedback.

How to re-balance our lives? One step at a time.

360 Living on Amazon:
After years of offering the free Authentic Happiness survey, we've taken it to another level to help people re-balance their lives: 200+ pages of key insights, personal assessments, & proven strategies & tools:
        Get your copy of 360 Living       
Readers are now discovering the path to true balance -- you can start doing the same. Today.
For the price of a few cups of coffee.
Just a few of the awesome 360 Living reviews:
It's up to you. Will you settle for just "getting by", or are you ready to thrive?
The next step is in your hands. Take action now. Get your copy of 360 Living today.