AH@Work: About Meaning and Passion

Miniseries Blog 3The world of corporate Learning is looking for a new answer: new innovative approaches to learning are shattering the traditional instructor and online learning approach, challenging the inability of the current models to produce measurable outcome (more in our first blog AH@Work from May 8, 2014).
What has changed in the 21st century? Big data & technology are reshaping our life by turning Data into knowledge, information, intelligence and ultimately new transformative solutions (our second AH@Work blog from May 12, 2014).
Still, in the end, learning remain “the people”: what is meaningful for us, how we enjoy our daily life and spend time doing what we are passionate about, key dimensions of our Authentic Happiness. Authentic-Happiness.com has opened up a free survey and collected over 1,300 responses from internet users around the world. In the following are 2 interesting insights from this survey:
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  • 40% rate their job as meaningful. Sounds like a good score ? Maybe, sort of but let’s look at the 60% who believe that their job could be more meaningful, or not at all. How truly motivated and engaged are they when performing their daily jobs?

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  • Only 27% believe that they spend enough time rate doing what they are passionate about. What if we could ignite some new passions and reconnect those with our daily work? What if learning and leadership was so engaging that employees would become over time true passionate experts in their field of work:

This sounds like Utopia Inc. ! Maybe, but there is no doubt that getting closer to this goal would result in significant performance gains. Isn’t this the ultimate goal of the learning department???
In our next blog, we will introduce the AD3 Model, a simple but powerful framework to structure the transformation of “brute-force” learning into data-driven, integrated, agile solutions focused on generating immediate results for the Employees and the Enterprise. One step at the time, we will walk through this framework in order to come some steps closer to our vision: high performing employees who love what they do and generate outstanding business results.

AH@Work: 3 key trends that are reshaping our life

The world of corporate Learning & Development is looking for a new answer: see the first blog of our mini-series AH@Work “Time to rethink Corporate Learning”. New innovative approaches to learning are shattering the traditional instructor and online learning model: ADDIE and curriculum-based LMS Solutions need modernizing.
What are the triggers for change in the 21st century? Let’s look at those and how these new trends are transforming our life:
Key trend #1: big data and IT processing power are reshaping industries: e-retail is taking over from traditional brick-and-mortar models, best examples are amazon, ebay or Infinity Augmented Reality solutions. Access to knowledge and information challenges the traditional newspaper and publishing industries, introducing new media and social collaboration such as Google news, Google search, Wikipedia, youtube,... Finance & Insurance also leverages IT to develop more complex modelling algorithm and execute their strategy in millisecond stock trading. Find out more about Big Data drives significant productivity gains across multiple industries in a study conducted by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and McKinsey Global Institute (picture below).
Key Trend #2: Technology is also modifying our daily behaviors and expectations. According to a report from Mary Meeker, Scott Devitt and Liang Wu from Morgan Stanley (Apr. 12, 2010, “Internet Trends: Report”), we spend an average of 220 minutes per month on Social Computing platforms versus 120 minutes reading email. The same report estimated a growth of 500% in mobile-internet users versus only 70% for desktop internet users over the same period.
Key Trend #3: new portable technologies also sets an expectations of immediacy, agility and convenience: we want stores to be open 24x7 (they are, online) and we want to be able anything: a car (e.g. carvana com), sign up for a house mortgage, watch a movie, or even pay for a speeding ticket, ...
In summary, big data & technology are reshaping our life by turning data into knowledge, information, intelligence and ultimately new transformative solutions. Still, learning remain “the people”: what is meaningful to us, how we enjoy our daily life, specially when we spend time doing what we are passionate about, the pillars of our Authentic Happiness platform.
Our blog next week will explore a simple but powerful framework to structure the transformation of “brute-force” learning into data-driven, integrated, agile solutions focused on generating immediate results for the Employees and the Enterprise. What's the end goal? To generate sustainable Authentic Happiness at work...

AH@Work: Time to Rethink Corporate Learning

The business equation is straightforward: employee productivity drives value and competitiveness in a global economy. Therefore, the simple question to corporate learning and development departments is: how do we maximize employees productivity?
The 20th century’s response to this challenge has been to “industrialize brute force learning”:
  • One core curriculum is defined for a specific job function;
  • A Learning Management System (LMS) is implemented to assign this curriculum to individual employee;
  • It takes one year to develop and multiple years to deploy this curriculum to all target employees.
This sounds like a good plan, except that the business expectations to measurably increase productivity were largely not met:
  • According to recent studies from trainingindustry com, skillsoft, 24 /7 learning and Knowledge- Advisors, approximately 45% to 55% of all learning content delivered is found to be scrap learning;
  • 46 % of corporate organizations are frustrated with their learning management system value for money (Studies from Brandon-Hall) and 30%of those plans to replace their LMS;
  • At the same time, employees memorized less and less information, from 75% in 1996 to 10% in 2006;
  • Lastly, learning impact measurement remains the number one challenge, mentioned 37% of the time ahead if any other other training challenges, according to a study from Bersin & Associates.
In summary, many studies conducted over the last 10 years clearly describe a high level of frustration with finding the right content and tools. Fortunately, data and processing power technology are changing the game in the 21st century, we will look at key trends and how they are impacting our daily life in our next blog, stay tuned.
Want to find more right now, visit Authentic-Happiness.com and check our online presentation in the Resource Section of the home page.
Have a great week full of Authentic Happiness (AH).