Happiness fact 19: the average time to form a new habit

66 days is, according to Lally in 2013,  the average time to form an automatic behavior.
Define your new habits and stick to it.
Do not get discouraged if you loose some "steam" after a week.

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Happiness fact 17: 0.79: the correlation between Meaning and Happiness

Meaning and Happiness

J. Coyne started by examining the correlation between these two subscales and it was r = 0.79, ( p < 0.0001). The high r is the higher the correlation.

This correlation is as high as the reliability of these two sub-scales allows, meaning they are essentially interchangeable and measure the same thing.

In simple words, add meaning to your life, define meaning in your terms, whether it is a charitable contribution, raising your children, inventing a new app or expressing yourself in blogs or paintings...
The more meaning, the more happiness in your life.

Source: James Coyne PhD, 2013

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Happiness fact 16: the 10% happiest have a rich and fulfilling social life

Marshall Brain took an unselected sample of 222 college students and measured happiness rigorously by using six different scales, then focused on the happiest 10%.

These "very happy" people differ markedly from average people and from unhappy people in one principle way: a rich and fulfilling social life.

The very happy people spent the least time alone (and the most time socializing), and they were rated highest on good relationships by themselves and by their friends.

All 22 members of the very happy group, except one, reported a current romantic partner.

Source: Marshall Brain, 2011

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Happiness fact 15: open plan offices reduce employee well-being by 32%

One study of 42,000 Americans found open plan offices reduced employee well-being 32 percent and productivity 15 percent.

Those in open offices cited a lack of "sound privacy" and lack of individual workspace as their major pain points.

Source: Warwick, 2014, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0272494413000340

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Happiness fact 14: 20% of us experience flow multiple times a day

Csikszentmihalyi determined that universally about 20 percent of us experience flow multiple times a day while 15 percent claim they never have this kind of experience.
One of his specific studies surveyed 6,469 people in Germany and concluded that 23 percent of people experience flow often, 40 percent experience it sometimes, 25 percent rarely experience flow moments, and 12 percent never do or do not know.
Another interesting research finding is that people who read books on a regular basis achieve flow twice as much as people that read occasionally or not at all.

Source: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, University of Chicago, US, 1997

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Happiness fact 13: the lower the income below $75K, the unhappier we feel

People say money doesn't buy happiness. Except, according to a new study from Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School, it sort of does — up to about $75,000 a year.
The lower a person's annual income falls below that benchmark, the unhappier he or she feels.
But no matter how much more than $75,000 people make, they don't report any greater degree of happiness.

Source: Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School, 2010

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