Happiness fact 32: what is Flow? And why does it matter?

Flow is a state of intense concentration and productivity when time flies. U.S. teenagers experience flow about 13 percent of the time that they spend watching television, 34 percent of the time they do hobbies, and 44 percent of the time they are involved in sports and games Source: Mihaly Csíkszentmihályi (1990).

Flow gives a sense of achievement and intense pleasure, the world around us disappears, we become one, in a state of hyper-productive meditation, focused on our task at hand.

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Happiness fact 31: 27% spend enough time doing what we are passionate about

Employees who rate their job as "not very meaningful". (1,600 respondents, Authentic-Happiness.com survey).

Now, this is feedback, to corporations, to leaders, to direct supervisors and to our "beloved" Human Resource department. With a more volatile, younger generation entering the job market, the challenge of defining meaningful job assignments will be even more acute and critical to building an experienced loyal workforce.

At the same time, only 27% believe that they spend enough time rate doing what they are passionate about. What if we could ignite some new passions and reconnect those with our daily work? What if learning and leadership was so engaging that employees would become over time true passionate experts in their field of work: this sounds like Utopia Inc. !

Maybe, but there is no doubt that getting closer to this goal would result in significant performance gains. Isn't this the ultimate goal of the learning department?

Source: www.Authentic-Happiness.com (2016)

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Happiness fact 30: Sex or Sleep?

79%: this is the number of women who prefer a good night's sleep rather than sex.

Source: The Better Sleep Council, published in the mindful magazine June 2014.

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Happiness fact 29: stress keeps 50% of millennials awake at night

40 percent of millennials say their stress has increased over the past year, compared to 33 percent for baby boomers and 29 percent for older Americans.
Over half of millennials say that stress has kept them awake at night during the past month, compared to 37 percent for baby boomers and 25 percent for older Americans.
And only 29 percent of millennials say they’re getting enough sleep.

Source: Julia Sweeney (2014)

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