According to Dan Diamond in an article published by on 1/01/2013, just 8% of people achieve their New Year's resolutions. You want to life a good life, you are ready to start shaping your life to achieve your goals.
If you are able to stick to them for the whole 12 months ahead of us, this section is probably not for you, just skip to the next one. You likely have your own secret, and you know how to make it work.
If not, read the next 3 paragraphs.
1. Looking for more happiness in your life, start with a short questionnaire to evaluate your Authentic Happiness score. With 15 questions, it will give you a first indication of how well you lead your life, shape your habits and design a lifestyle to maximize happiness. For each of your sub-optimal areas, you will get customized recommendations to find out more about these specific areas and if required, take a more thorough test.
2. What comes next is to define what makes a good annual resolution:
a. Distinguish between what is important -and less important-, versus urgent -and less urgent. This is the essence of the Eisenhower method (see the "Manage you time" learning module in
b. Use words to visualize your objectives: the Vision Board is a very effective tool to sort out your thoughts (find out more with the "Develop Your Life Vision" or "Get Active" learning modules).
c. Make sure that your resolutions are meaningful connected to your personal vision and objectives. Check out the "Life Meaningfully" learning module.
3. Finally, now that you are done with developing your annual resolutions, how do you make sure that you will stay on track? A sure way to stay involved is to use mobile technology. Some examples:
a. Mobile application such as fitbit counts your daily steps to keep you in check. Competing with yourself month after month will help you stay fit & healthy.
b. Another example is the "Way of Life" app: by investing less than a minute daily to track, identify and change your habits with Way of Life's unique red/green colour system, you will get daily help to reshape your "good" habits and forget the "bad" ones.
c. Other applications like Lift makes you feel as if you have a personal coach in your phone: 24×7 and for 365 days. This will give you free guidance, motivation, and tracking for 100,000 different goals.
d. Do you want to discover more apps to track your resolutions, visit, "Track Your Progress" page.
In summary: To give long life to your resolutions, make sure that they will fully contribute to shaping a better life and that they are meaningfully connected to your goals and vision. Finally, search for the right apps, test them and select the ones that will help you stay on track for "the whole nine yards".
Source: Dan Diamond, Forbes, 2013
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